Award Categories

Client Choice Awards Categories

The list below shows all the categories of Awards that form the Client Choice Awards.

To find out more details about what’s involved simply click the ‘Enter Now’ button below and select the profession and size category that’s relevant to your firm.

To find out who the current and previous winners of the Client Choice Awards are please visit the ‘Past Winners’ page from the main menu at the top of the page.

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Accounting & Consulting Services

FeeSynergy logo

Best Accounting & Consulting Services Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Accounting & Consulting Services Firm
($30-$100m revenue)

Best Accounting & Consulting Services Firm
($100-$200m revenue)

Best Accounting & Consulting Services Firm
(>$200m revenue)

Accounting & Consulting Services Specialists*

FeeSynergy logo

Best Auditing Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Bookkeeping & Payroll Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Business Advisory Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Company Secretarial Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best HR Consulting Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Insolvency & Restructuring Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Management Consulting Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Self Managed Super Fund Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Tax Firm
(<$30m revenue)

More Specialists Awards will be added as results are received

Built & Natural Environment Consulting


Best Built & Natural Environment Consulting Firm (<$30m revenue)

Best Built & Natural Environment Consulting Firm ($30-$100m revenue)

Best Built & Natural Environment Consulting Firm ($100-$200m revenue)

Best Built & Natural Environment Consulting Firm (>$200m revenue)

Built & Natural Environment Specialists*


Best Acoustical Consulting Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Architecture Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Consulting Engineering Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Consulting Surveying Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Environmental Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best GIS & Spatial Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Heritage Consulting Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Landscape Architecture Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Planning Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Project Management Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Quantity Surveying Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Traffic & Transport Consulting Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Urban Design Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Law & Related Services

FeeSynergy logo

Best Law & Related Services Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Law & Related Services Firm ($30-$100m revenue)

Best Law & Related Services Firm ($100-$200m revenue)

Best Law & Related Services Firm
(>$200m revenue)

Law & Related Services Specialists*

FeeSynergy logo

Best Banking, Finance & Insurance Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Commercial & Business Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Conveyancing Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Criminal Law Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Dispute Resolution & Litigation Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Employment & Industrial Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Family & Relationships Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Immigration Law Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Intellectual Property & Technology Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Personal Injury Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Property & Planning Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Wills & Estates Firm
(<$30m revenue)

More Specialists Awards will be added as results are received

Specialist IP & Related Services


Best Specialist IP & Related Services Firm (<$20m revenue)

Best Specialist IP & Related Services Firm (>$20m revenue)

Overall Firm Awards^


Best Professional Services Firm
(<$30m revenue)

Best Professional Services Firm ($30-$100m revenue)

Best Professional Services Firm ($100-$200m revenue)

Best Professional Services Firm
(>$200m revenue)

Industry Awards


Best provider to Construction & Infrastructure
(>$30m revenue)

Best provider to Financial & Insurance Services
(>$30m revenue)

Best provider to Government & Community
(>$30m revenue)

Best provider to Mining, Oil & Gas
(>$30m revenue)

Best provider to Power & Utilities
(>$30m revenue)

Best provider to Property
(>$30m revenue)

CX Awards


Best CX Firm: Accounting & Consulting Services
(>$30m revenue)

Best CX Firm: Built & Natural Environment Consulting
(>$30m revenue)

Best CX Firm: Law & Related Services
(>$30m revenue)

Best CX Firm: Specialist IP & Related Services
(>$30m revenue)

Innovation Awards


Most Innovative Accounting & Consulting Services Firm
(>$30m revenue)

Most Innovative Built & Natural Environment Consulting Firm
(>$30m revenue)

Most Innovative Law & Related Services Firm
(>$30m revenue)

Most Innovative Specialist IP & Related Services Firm
(>$30m revenue)

NOTE: Every year, Beaton endeavours to maintain a high standard of competitiveness across categories and this year has adjusted revenue size bands to keep pace with growth and diversification in firms. We have updated the $30m-$50m category to $30m-$100m and the $50m-$200m category will now become $100m-$200m.

* Awards in the Accounting & Consulting Services Specialists, Built & Natural Environment Specialists, and Law & Related Services Specialists categories are subject to sufficient firms entering and collecting feedback in each of the service lines listed.

The highest performing firms in each revenue band of the Accounting & Consulting Services, Built & Natural Environment Consulting, Law & Related Services and Specialist IP & Related Services streams will go into the judging for the Best Professional Services Firm awards.

Ready to Enter?

To enter your firm click the ‘Enter Now’ button below, select the profession and size category that’s relevant to your firm and follow the on-screen instructions.

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Want to take part in Client Choice Awards?

To enrol your firm in the Client Choice Awards just click the ‘ENTER NOW’ button.

Simply select your firm’s profession and size, read through what’s involved then complete the short entry form.