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Winning a Client Choice Award is no easy task. First, firms must stand out among hundreds of professional services firms that enter each year from across Australia and New Zealand. Second, winning requires pleasing arguably the most critical judges of all: clients.

It’s why the results of specialist workplace law firm Kingston Reid in winning not one but four categories at the 2023 Client Choice Awards are remarkably impressive.

The firm was named winner of Best Law and Related Services Firm ($30-$100m revenue), Best Professional Services firm ($30m-$100m revenue), Best CX Firm: Law and Related Services and Most Innovative Law and Related Services Firm.

Managing Partner Alice DeBoos said the firm was “delighted” to receive news of the four gongs.

“To be a winner in four categories is a huge achievement and a strong reflection on the value we bring to clients,” she said.

“We are grateful to our clients for the time taken to participate in the process. This is a relationship business and success in this area is absolutely vital.”

The Client Choice Awards are the only professional services awards in the world judged entirely by the feedback ratings of clients. Clients respond to surveys prepared independently of the firm by Beaton. Their responses are used to benchmark firms’ performances against competitors of a similar size in the same professions.

This year was a highly competitive one that saw 276 firms from across Australia and New Zealand enter the awards.

DeBoos said fostering strong relationships with clients and their businesses, plus her firm’s focus on providing plain-English advice, helped Kingston Reid to stand out among competitors.

“By thoroughly understanding our clients and their businesses inside-out, we adopt their perspectives in our work,” she said.

“Our advice to clients is concise, practical, and honest. We take responsibility for keeping clients updated on legal changes in a clear and comprehensible manner. With our agile and innovative mindset, we develop effective solutions tailored to address the most difficult challenges.”

DeBoos said her firm had observed a trend that clients of professional services firms were demanding more value from legal services, including more transparent billing and efficient communication. In order to meet this challenge and stay ahead of competitors while responding to the changing needs of clients, she said collecting and responding to feedback was a key to success.

“Client feedback enhances our decision-making, shapes our culture, and drives client satisfaction and success,” she said.

“Responding to the feedback promotes a client-centric approach at Kingston Reid, it fosters stronger client relationships and loyalty, while also cultivating a culture of continuous improvement, accountability, and transparency.”

Kingston Reid was named winner of Best Law and Related Services Firm ($30-$100m revenue), Best Professional Services firm ($30m-$100m revenue), Best CX Firm: Law and Related Services and Most Innovative Law and Related Services Firm. These awards were presented in partnership with FeeSynergy, ICON and the Australian Council of Professions, and association partner Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA).

Enter your firm for the 2024 Awards here.