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The team at Element Environment specialises in environmental, planning and social sustainability consulting. But beyond the diverse work the firm does, it has two traits it would like to be known for.

The first is the “Element experience”, which Principal Environmental Scientist Luke Farrell explains is the firm’s customer-first approach to all work. The second is “Element excellence”, which refers to the outstanding quality of work expected and provided to clients.

“Our ability at Element to provide excellence and client satisfaction is what I believe is our strong point of difference,” agreed Principal Planner Haley Rich.

“Since we started Element, we have been working incredibly hard to be the consultancy that clients go to who value service, collaboration, solutions and excellence.”

Recent 2024 Client Choice Awards show this strong commitment to excellence is being noticed. Element Environment scored wins in two categories for Best Environmental Firm (<$30m revenue) and Best Planning Firm (<$30m revenue) at the 2024 Client Choice Awards.

Farrell said it gave his team a “sense of great pride to know that the clients we work for feel that our service is so outstanding”.

“For us, it’s just a representation of quality we consider the norm. Clearly it’s above and beyond and quite satisfying to see that the industry – as complex and fast-paced as it can be – observes the quality and appreciates it this much,” he said.

The Client Choice Awards are one of few industry awards that remain free to enter and the only professional services awards to use client feedback, rather than judging panels or industry experts, to determine winners. This year was the 20th anniversary of the awards, and an incredible 250 firms from across Australia and New Zealand entered. More than 16,000 clients were surveyed in the judging process, with their feedback contributing to the in-depth annual Beaton Benchmarks reports available to firms that enter. A win in the awards means clients rated Element Experience higher than any others in the same size and industry.

Farrel and Rich credit their firm’s dedication to timely and frequent communication with clients as a major contributing factor to its success.

“A consistent response from the [Beaton Benchmarks] survey feedback was that Element’s communication was excellent, timely and frequent. Also we are always available to help our clients,” Rich said.

Alongside highly satisfied clients, the firm is enjoying additional benefits that come with providing an excellent client experience. Rich added that winning a Client Choice Award has made the firm a “hot commodity” in the recruiting space.

“We continue to attract new and exciting talent who share the same values as we do, and contribute to our growth, our culture, so we are able to provide our Element Excellence to our clients,” she said.

The team also reflected on the value of gathering client feedback on a large scale through a third-party research firm for the awards. The firm received feedback from clients across the industry by participating in the Beaton Benchmarks survey process that determines winners. This supplemented Element’s existing internal feedback mechanisms and enabled the firm to uncover where its competitive advantages lay.

“Defining a point of difference in an industry with heavy competition can be challenging. Receiving the award showed us that our client satisfaction is a strong competitive advantage for us,” Farrell said.

Element Environment was named Best Environmental Firm (<$30m revenue) and Best Planning Firm (<$30m revenue) at the 2024 Client Choice Awards. These awards are presented by principal awards partner Westpac. The supporting partner is Icon.

The 2025 Client Choice Awards are now open for entry. To enter your firm for free by participating in Beaton Benchmarks, click here.